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2011-11-25 17:07 kous2011
快樂腳 2 Happy Feet Two-電影原聲(2011-11-25@166M@320K@多免空)


【專輯名稱】:「快樂腳 2 Happy Feet Two」電影原聲


載歌載舞的快樂腳們,少不了的重頭戲就是音樂,許多幕後明星不但配音,更共通歡唱多首經典歌謠!開場的組曲〈Opening Medley〉全員大集合,一口氣過癮串連:靈魂放克歌姬Chaka Khan領軍的Rufus樂團淪陷英國之關鍵〈Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)〉、永遠的流行天王麥可傑克森之家族團隊The Jacksons紅歌〈Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)〉、逗趣將LL Cool J的〈Mama Said Knock You Out〉改編〈Papa Said Knock You Out〉,以及結合最潮型男賈斯汀的冠軍性感出擊〈Sexy Back〉、舞后珍娜傑克森的〈Rhythm Nation〉,讓你聽到不忍手舞足蹈!酷名昭彰、搖滾趴踢女王紅粉佳人(P!nk),特別獻上一曲新歌〈Bridge Of Light〉;同樣也能歌善舞的老玩童羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams),歡樂愛秀登場〈The Mighty Sven〉。除了熱鬧的歌曲部分外,還請到英國知名作曲、指揮家替配樂操刀,曾任《神鬼認證系列》、《功夫熊貓系列》、《X戰警:最後戰役》、《史密斯任務》等多部好萊塢賣座鉅片的幕後大師約翰‧包威爾(John Powell),特別撰寫多支活潑有趣,也溫馨動人的作品!


1.Opening Medley
Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)
Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
Do Your Thing
Papa Said Knock You Out - (lyric changes of Mama Said Knock You Out)
Fluffy Back - (lyric change of Sexy Back)
Shake It Fast
Rhythm Nation
2. The Mighty Sven
3. Bridge Of Light / P!nk
4. Papa Oom Mow Mow
5. Dragostea Din Tei
6. Erik's Opera
7. Rawhide
8. Under Pressure / Rhythm Nation
9. Tightrope (Ice Cold Mix)
10. In The Hole
11. Ramon And The Krill
12. Lovelace Preshow(Judith Hill)
13. Searching For The Kids
14. The Doomberg Lands
15. I Don't Back Up
16. Trapped In Emperor Land
17. Skua Attack/Adelie Rescue
18.Dinner A La Sven
19.We Are The Champions
20.SNOW STOPS PLAY(Steven Pence)
21.No Fly Zone
22. Krill Joy
23. Tappin' To Freedom







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